It’s the last day of September, we are knocking on October’s door. Our girls love taking pics, selfies, and modeling photos. So the best Killington strippers lineup has something new for you. We also are training 2 new smokeshows. A 5’9″ brunette with long sexy legs from riding horses. And a sexy brunette college student who wants to make some money for school. I know we have the best lineup and the roster of strippers for Killington. No bait and switch, no catfishing here. To book the best Killington strippers call 802-342-4295

Here we go new Killington strippers pics….

Killington stripper Ava

Sexy blonde Ava, loves to model.

She also enjoys selfies, including butt pics
Ava butt pic

How about a pic of Mila from last weekend

Killington stripper Mla

and our sexy blonde Taylor

Killington stripper Taylor

For the best selection of Killington strippers call me 802-342-4295